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Combat or Tactical (Box) breathing, is an excellent way to reduce your stress and embody calm. It’s used by First Responders and Navy Seals to steel their nerves and focus so they can perform at their best before entering high-pressure situations.

We start with the extended exhale breath (2x) and build to the tactical (box) breathing practice (for 4 rounds).

Research has proven both breath practices effective in counteracting the stress response:

  • Lowering your heart rate

  • Re-balancing your nervous system

  • Decreasing cortisol levels

  • Improving attention and cognitive performance

All you need is your breath.

Check out The Mindful Reset Kete for more free stress resilience tools.

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We truly appreciate your efforts and service to take care of others and hope you find these practices will help you navigate stress and increase the compassion and kindness you show yourself. We believe it’s important to care for others, but never to leave yourself behind.

Resilience is something we do in community and in relationship. This means asking for support and in community, realising you don’t have to do it alone. Please reach out if you have any queries or if you’d like additional support with any of these practices.

E hara taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini

My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.

Kia pai te rā

“As Manager of Safer Aotearoa Family Violence Prevention Network based in Wiri, I appreciate the close liaison our community as shared with Greenlight Foundation and acknowledge the high quality of service they provide with respect to facilitating workshops that empower social workers, educators and health professionals. Within their workshops our team has learnt practical tools to release stress and be more productive and resilient in the face of challenges, especially during Covid-19.”
— Raewyn Bhana JP, Manager Safer Auckland Family Violence Prevention Network (Counties Manukau) SAFVPN