TRISH DU TEMPLE: Founder, Greenlight Foundation
Trauma Informed Yoga + Mindfulness, Meditation & Ayurvedic Lifestyle Educator (certified Chopra Centre), Chopra Wellbeing Life Coach (and Martha Beck Wayfinder Coach trained); RYT®500 Yoga Instructor (Hatha, Yoga 4 Trauma Recovery, Somatic Yoga + Mindfulness, Mental Health Aware Yoga), Mindful Grieving Program Facilitator, Project Wayfinder Facilitator, with specialist training for Children + Teens in Yoga Therapy (for common issues), Mindfulness for Student Athletes, and positive psychology (Certificate in Creating Wellbeing).
Trish is of Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga-a-Mahaki descent and was born and raised in Waingaro (outside Huntly/ Ngaruawahia). She is proud mother of three children and a certified Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor with 20+ years of personal practice. Introduced to yoga and meditation in her early 20’s she was drawn to dive into it further to help her through one of the toughest times of her life, the passing of her youngest daughter to cancer. Grateful to the insight, care and healing these practices would help facilitate, she founded Mia’s Greenlight Foundation Trust to serve others facing challenging life situations, especially youth (and those that work with them).
Trained by Dr. Deepak Chopra she is certified by the Chopra Centre in Meditation and Mindfulness-based practices, Yoga (RYT® Hatha), and Perfect Health (Ayurvedic lifestyle practices). She holds additional certifications in Yoga for Trauma Recovery, Mental Health Aware Yoga, Yoga Therapy for Children + Teens and Mindfulness for Student Athletes. As a member of the NZ Ski Team in her youth, Trish competed in the US, Canada and Europe and so is no stranger to the pressures of sport and the value of mindfulness in enhancing focus, cultivating a winning mindset, emotional resilience and mastery to optimise performance.
Knowing the importance of finding personal meaning and purpose in life, she was grateful to be part of the first Project Wayfinder Facilitator Teacher training in July 2018 and now co-leads (with Lisa) Youth Leadership Retreats and workshops to ignite transformation in youth. This exciting programme designed at Stanford University d.design School, helps youth explore their inner world, and develop strategies and practices to live happier, more compassionate, and purposeful lives that positively contribute to the world. To complement this training, Trish has also been trained as a Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach. Studying Wayfinder’s, their wisdom and ways has helped Trish re-connect not only to her ancestors, but to the land, and to Aotearoa New Zealand.
In the spirit of Wayfinding Trish has explored many different passions and paths in her life. Initially diving into the corporate world, she worked in many different countries (including leading a Media Agency in Prague), before settling back in NZ to grow an education organisation with her husband. This business now offers schools an accessible digital lending platform (ePlatform) to promote reading (with dyslexia friendly settings), and a digital Wellness collection to cultivate Wellbeing. She continues to work alongside organisations like Duffy Books in Homes, leading programme initiatives to distribute over 500,000 free books to pre-schoolers in need and to offer low decile Intermediate schools’ access to eBook and audio-book libraries. These initiatives serve to break down the barriers some youth face and to nurture a love of reading, a catalyst to open them to new potentials and possibilities.
Now lovingly serving to help people within communities in need, connect with and step into their purpose and potential, she feels she’s living most true to her heart. Growing up on a farm, her teaching is grounded in nature appreciation, and genuine connections to the land. She leads with her heart and inspires youth to awaken to their wisdom within to live happier, more compassionate and purposeful lives. When not in training or in the mountains, she can often be found walking barefoot on the beach (or in the park) with her children and/or her dog ‘Skye’.
Lisa Swinburn
Project Wayfinder facilitator, Family Coach, Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher, Peace Foundation Conscious Communication Facilitator, Life Coach (NLP certified), PG Dip Teaching, BA (Hons), MIT Lecturer in Public Health
Lisa believes deeply that identity and purpose drive us as humans to make meaning.
Lisa is an educator with over 30 years experience teaching English, literature and conflict resolution internationally. For the last decade, Lisa has worked for a number of social enterprises including The Brainwave Trust, Great Potentials Foundation and The Peace Foundation. She was a curriculum contributor to the Peace Foundations ‘Leadership through Peer Mediation’ student manual and has helped hundreds of teens, teachers and parents develop stronger connections through their peace education programmes. Lisa is also a trained and experienced life-coach with qualifications in positive psychology (NLP) and mindfulness.
Born in Samoa, Lisa grew up in a cross cultural family with a passion for literature, travel and writing . She earned her English honours degree before travelling to Europe where she taught English Literature and language at Institut Le Rosey, Switzerland as well as schools in France and the UK. Upon returning to NZ, Lisa followed her passion, retrained in communication and NLP and began working in social enterprise. By 2009 Lisa helped form a team and launched the ‘ trauma recovery project in response to the tsunami that devastated Samoa. The team travelled there in 2010 and ran a training for 40 participants including heads of Samoan police, Life-line phone counsellors, and heads of the United Nations team in Samoa. These experiences became the ingredients and backbone for her desire to make a difference and focus her career in helping shape the lives of others, particularly those in under-served communities.
More recently Lisa has been working with teens as a Project Wayfinder facilitator and is passionate about helping young adults to live more meaningful lives through the lens of purpose-based learning. Lisa is a firm believer in the power of combining academic, social and emotional learning to improve the lives of adolescents in New Zealand.
As a mother of two young adults she encourages them to successfully follow their dreams. Lisa’s passion is to help people identify and live their core values – to ultimately open their hearts to their true calling.